Social Emotional Learning

My name is Keri Bahr and I am thrilled to be the School Counselor at Lodi Elementary School and Ouisconsing School of Collaboration! I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Welfare from UW-Madison and my Master’s Degree in School Counseling from UW-Superior.

My roles include:

  • Providing individual counseling, small group, and classroom instruction on topics related to community building and social-emotional skill development (e.g., taking on learning challenges, making good decisions, managing strong emotions, staying safe, and getting along with others).
  • Classroom instruction that includes Second Step SEL curriculum. Topics include:
    • Growth Mindset & Goal-Setting, Emotion Management, Empathy & Kindness, Child Protection, and Problem-Solving. 
    • More information can be found at
  • For sample 3rd-5th grade Second Step lessons (including teacher script and student handouts).
  • Working jointly with school staff to identify any student needs that may interfere with learning. Building on student strengths and developing any needed interventions.
  • Working with students and families to develop and support social, emotional and behavioral regulation skills in and outside of the educational setting.
  • Collaborating with the Psychotherapy Center of Waunakee to offer individual counseling services within the school during the school day.





Contact Us

Keri Bahr
School Counselor
608.592.3842 ext 2111

School Counselor

Keri Bahr