Social Emotional Learning
My name is Keri Bahr and I am thrilled to be the School Counselor at Lodi Elementary School and Ouisconsing School of Collaboration! I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Welfare from UW-Madison and my Master’s Degree in School Counseling from UW-Superior.
My roles include:
- Providing individual counseling, small group, and classroom instruction on topics related to community building and social-emotional skill development (e.g., taking on learning challenges, making good decisions, managing strong emotions, staying safe, and getting along with others).
- Classroom instruction that includes Second Step SEL curriculum. Topics include:
- Growth Mindset & Goal-Setting, Emotion Management, Empathy & Kindness, Child Protection, and Problem-Solving.
- More information can be found at
- For sample 3rd-5th grade Second Step lessons (including teacher script and student handouts).
- Working jointly with school staff to identify any student needs that may interfere with learning. Building on student strengths and developing any needed interventions.
- Working with students and families to develop and support social, emotional and behavioral regulation skills in and outside of the educational setting.
- Collaborating with the Psychotherapy Center of Waunakee to offer individual counseling services within the school during the school day.